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Run for Hope 5K Race
Saturday, April 26, 2025 starting at 8:00 AM
Registration Fee:
- Feb.1 – Feb.28 (early bird) $20
- Mar.1 – Mar.31 - $25
- Apr.1 – Apr.25 - $30
- Race Day Entries - $35
The Run for Hope 5K benefits Hope Cottage, a domestic violence shelter in Searcy, Arkansas. Established in 1996, the shelter has since been a source of hope for survivors of domestic violence. We run to raise awareness and support those in need of hope.
You can register as a runner, a walker, or a virtual runner to support the shelter.
Do You Have a Safety Plan?
Hotline (501) 278-4673
We can provide tips on what to do in an emergency and...
How to Protect Yourself at Home
How to Make Your Children Safer
How to Protect Yourself In Town
How to Make Yourself Safer at Work
Lives Forever Changed
I learned how to be strong and face what ever comes at me. I never realized how easy it was with help to get out on my own and not have to be with someone that abused me.
Thank you! He had my grave ready. If that church hadn’t had your hotline number, I would be dead by now.
When I first heard the words “Domestic Violence Shelter” I was terrified. A “shelter” had to be even worse than the abuse my children and I were dealing with at home. I decided to call Hope Cottage and my entire life changed. Everybody treated me like family. They all worked together to save the lives of both me and my children, and I will be forever grateful.
The night [the advocate] answered my call changed my life.
We Believe in Freedom and Peace
White County Domestic Violence Prevention provides support and options to victims of violent crime as they rebuild their lives. WCDVP provides education and awareness to the community on abuse prevention and resources to transition out of crisis into independence